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RAFMAF 'Spirit of the Battle of Britain' Annual Banquet

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RAFMAF's annual 'Spirit of the Battle of Britain' Banquet is held during September/ October in Washington D.C. and gives the Foundation the opportunity to bring together the modern-day examples of the ethos of the veterans.


Since the first 'Spirit of the Battle of Britain' dinner in 2009, the Banquet has become established as one of the premier events in the D.C. aerospace calendar. Held to coincide with the Exchange Officers Conference, the Banquet is attended by senior serving officers of the RAF and USAF, including the Chiefs, representatives from the D.C. Diplomatic Corps and senior executives of the global aerospace industry. 


Run along the lines of a formal RAF Mess Dinner, the evening features the presentation of two Swords of Honor and ends with a performance by the USAF premier jazz ensemble The Airmen of Note.

RAFMAF banquet 2025

The 2019 Banquet celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift. Guests of Honor included Colonel Gail Halvorsen – ‘Uncle Wiggly Wings’, the Candy Bomber. View highlights of the 2019 Banquet here.




To be part of the next RAFMAF banquet, please contact:
Angela Coleman, Executive Director + 44 7753 832480
; or use our Contact form

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Previous Banquets

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Celebrating achievements in space



70th Anniversary of the RAF and USAF Operations during the Berlin Airlift

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The Pioneering Women of the Air Transport Auxiliary and Women Airforce Service Pilots



70th Anniversary of the United States Air Force and the Centenary of the Royal Air Force



25th Anniversary of the Gulf War



75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain



70th Anniversary
of D-Day


2013 – 70th Anniversary of Operation Chastise: the 'Dambusters' raid

2012 – Recognizing the Polish Pilots who flew with the RAF in the Battle of Britain and the Second World War

2011 – Guest of Honor: Sqn Ldr Tony Iveson DFC, Battle of Britain and No 617 Squadron (the 'Dambusters')

2010 – Guest of Honor: Wg Cdr Robert W Foster DFC AE, Chairman of the Battle of Britain Fighter Association

2009 – Inaugural dinner with Guest of Honor Colonel Buzz Aldrin


Sponsorship opportunities are available in several categories and at various levels and are adjustable to meet any specific sponsor requirements of messages. The Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation is a 501 C 3 charitable non-profit organization and donations and sponsorship may be deductible to the extent allowed by law. All proceeds go to support the US-UK special relationship and the RAF Museum.


Individual seat or table purchases are also available.



To discuss your participation needs, please contact:


Angela Coleman, Executive Director – Tel: +44 7753 832480; Contact form


RAFMAF Swords of Honor

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In 2009, the Foundation instituted the Sword of Honor to be presented annually to the RAF Officer on exchange with the USAF who has contributed most in the previous year to relations between our two nations and their air forces. In 2012, another sword was added to recognise the most outstanding USAF officer on exchange with the RAF. They symbolize the excellent work of Exchange Officers on both sides of the Atlantic.


The RAF Sword, which resides in the British Embassy, bears the inscription ‘Oh, thus be it ever when freeman shall stand’ – a line from Francis Scott Key’s 1814 poem, The Star Spangled Banner. Its USAF counterpart, which is inscribed with Winston Churchill’s quote ‘Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few’, is on display in the Pentagon.

Previous winners

2024 – Sqn Ldr Alex Gledhill RAF and Major Austin J. Baker USAF

2023 – Sqn Ldr Joe Rigg RAF and Capt James M. Matheson USAF (above)

2022 – Flt Lt Christopher Bradshaw RAF and Capt Kaitlin M. Ellwein USAF

2021 – Sqn Leader Bonnie Posselt RAF and Capt Robert Ippolito USAF (right) 

2020 – Grp Capt Andrew Lloyd RAF and Capt Katie Broyles USAF 

2019 – Flt Lt Dave Finn RAF and Lt Col Tyler B. Smith USAF

2018 – Sqn Ldr Benjamin Durham RAF and Lt Col T Gwyddon Owen USAF

2017 – Sqn Ldr Wesley Pead RAF and Major James Rodgers USAF

2016 – Wg Cdr Andrew Massie RAF and Lt Col Jason Bartels USAF (right)

2015 – Sqn Ldr Ryan Wyn Beynon RAF and Capt Rosemary Perez-Howell USAF

2014 – Flt Lt Drew Buxton RAF and Maj Timothy Kipp USAF

2013 – Flt Lt Guy Butler RAF and Maj Heather Fox USAF

2012 – Flt Lt Si Holden RAF and Maj Jeff Mrazik USAF

2011 – Sqn Ldr Sally Courtnadge RAF

2010 – Wg Cdr ES Kendall RAF

2009 – Flt Lt Atila Batu RAF

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Hidden Heroes

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Held in March 2018 in New York City and the following month in Los Angeles, the ‘Hidden Heroes’ were lectures delivered by Joshua Levine
– a historian who has published a number of popular history books and also worked as historical consultant on the 2017 movie 'Dunkirk'.  


The series ‘Hidden Heroes: Tales of Bravery and Determination’ highlights stories of some of the many Jewish volunteers who signed up to serve in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War.

Wreath-laying at Arlington Cemetery

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Members of the Foundation joined representatives of the RAF and USAF to support, celebrate and commemorate the relationship between the airmen of the UK and US militaries by laying a wreath at a grave within Arlington Cemetery that contains the remains of both British and American airmen.



75 years of the
Battle of Britain Memorial 

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Marking the 
80th Anniversary
of D-Day


© Royal Air Force Museum American Foundation. All Rights Reserved.

One Metro Center, 700 12th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005

Phone: (202) 558-5121

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